União Europeia está a recrutar em finanças mas também em engenharia química, biologia e ciências da saúde

Além das vagas para economia, finanças, auditoria, estatística e contabilidade de que demos conta no artigo “União Europeia está recrutar até 22 de janeiro (economia, finanças, auditoria, estatística e contabilidade)” a União Europeia também está a recrutar assistentes de laboratório em engenharia química, biologia e ciências da saúde. Para este concurso de engenharias em particular, as vagas são para o  Joint Research Centre (JRC) que possui instalações na Bélgica mas também na Alemanha, Itália, Espanha e Holanda.

O concurso está aberta até 22 de janeiro e quem queira informar-se com toda a informação fundamental para poder concorrer bem como efetuar a candidatura propriamente dita deverá visitar a página dedicada ao concurso (clique aqui para aceder).

Eis um excerto da informação que aí pode encontrar:

” (…) The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s in-house science service. Operating in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, with a headcount of over 2800, the JRC is currently seeking laboratory assistants and technicians with the right blend of competence and experience to support the cutting-edge scientific and technological developments that underlie EU policies.

If you have several years of lab experience in Chemistry, Biology and Health Sciences, Physics and Materials Science, Nuclear Research, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, or Electrical Engineering, you could make all the difference within the JRC’s stimulating multicultural environment. In return, you can expect a lifetime of different opportunities, a competitive remuneration package, and the chance to become involved in some of the most exciting research initiatives in Europe today. For the ‘nuclear research’ field, a limited number of posts will be on offer in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy (DG-ENER) in Luxembourg.

To apply, you’ll need to be a European citizen. In addition to your native EU official language, you’ll have a good command of one of our working languages – English, French, or German. You’ll need at least three years of relevant professional experience as a laboratory assistant or technician. To learn more, visit www.jrc.ec.europa.eu or watch the JRC at a glance video.

Please note: the deadline for applications is 12.00 (CET) on 22 January 2013. (…)”

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