Ficar sem o telemóvel ou smartphone causa-lhe ansiedade?


Os adultos norte-americanos a quem tenha sido retirado o acesso (em viagem e/ou nas férias por exemplo) aos seus telemóveis artilhados com tecnologia, comportam-se como bebés a quem tiraram a xuxa.

É mais ou menos esta a frase mais forte do artigo “Traveling Without Technology Makes Grownups Act Like Babies” que lemos no Business Insider. Algum dos caros leitores de identifica com este boneco? Vale a pena ler a peça (em inglês). Um excerto:

” (…) Almost half (44 percent) of U.S. travelers admitted feeling anxious traveling without their mobile devices. The younger the users are, the more dependent they are on their devices for a sense of well-being, the survey found; 87 percent of young adults ages 18 to 29 said they felt happier when traveling with their devices.

Survey respondents also ranked losing their mobile computing devices when traveling as more stressful than losing a wedding ring (77 percent versus 55 percent).

Device co-dependency has become so strong that travelers hooked on mobile technology admit they will go to great lengths to stay connected. Almost half of all travelers (46 percent) and 63 percent of young travelers admit compromising their personal comfort and hygiene in pursuit of a power source to keep their devices charged. This includes going out of their way to find an available power outlet, choosing a restaurant or coffeehouse based on outlet availability, searching public bathrooms or compromising comfort and hygiene to sit on the floor near an outlet.

Sixty-four percent of survey respondents admitted to sacrificing their personal appearance — giving up hair dryers or styling tools, toiletries, sunscreen, workout clothes and even shoes — in favor of making space in their luggage for their devices. (…)”


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