"A austeridade e a reforma opõem-se uma à outra"

Do artigo desta semana de  Wolfgang Münchau no Financial Times sob o título “ Austerity obstructs real economic reform” destacamos a seguinte passagem:

“(…) Austerity and reform are the opposite of each other. If you are serious about structural reform, it will cost you upfront money. If you want to open your labour market to a hire-and-fire rule, you will need policies to deal with those who are laid off. These costs may outweigh the financial benefits of reforms in the short term but the reforms may still pay off in the long run. Structural reforms, properly done, are not suited to the task of delivering austerity.

By contrast, austerity – higher taxes and cuts in public sector investments – weaken the economy’s capacity in the short run, and possibly also in the long run. If you have youth unemployment of more than 50 per cent for a sustained period, as is now the case in Greece, Italy and Spain, many of those people will never find good jobs in their lives. Economists speak of a so-called “hysteresis” effect – permanent economic damage that will not be repaired even if there is a full recovery. Austerity could well leave an economic and social scar across the eurozone. (…)”

Sobre o efeito de histerese é um conceito da física adotado pela ciência económica.

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